Though sinus pain can be treated with the help of medications, several home remedies also help you in doing so. These will not only alleviate the pain but will also ease symptoms and speed up the recovery. It is common for your sinuses to suffer from infections and allergies and make you feel uncomfortable. The only option is clearing the nose to ease the symptoms.

However, if you have been suffering from sinus pain, then these home remedies will help in solving pain:
Saline nasal spray: you can use a saline nasal spray to clear your blocked nose. You can prepare your spray by adding ¼ pint of clean water, 1/4th tsp of salt and 1/4th tsp of baking soda.
Neti pot: you can even rinse your nose through the neti pots and it keeps the mucous membrane moist and relieves the pressure in the sinuses. Although it is essential to use sterile or distilled water that you can buy at the drug store.
Steam inhalation: you can use steam to clear the nasal passages and relieve the pain in your sinuses. All you have to do is use a towel and breathe through your nose.
Acupressure: this ag- old Chinese technique involves applying pressure to the specific parts of your body to relieve you from your sinus pain. It is a good technique for those who want to ease the symptoms of sinus pain.
Hydration: it keeps your mucous membrane moist and prevents sinuses from getting blocked.